Wednesday, May 30, 2018

My Journey!

My Austin Trip 2018!
Hello Readers:

My name is Joe Rivas.  I am, for most people that know me, a person with cerebral palsy that uses a scooter.  My scooter is my friend because of its brand name, Amigo.  The word "Amigo" is Spanish for friend.  I like to think of my scooter as my best friend because I have been using this particular brand for 30 years.  My scooter is also my legs, so without it, I would be pretty helpless.  Yes without my scooter I would be stuck at home forced to watch crappy game shows, stupid talk shows that have no meaning what so ever, and the worst, soaps with bad actors that cannot get a real professional career in acting.  I have had about 7 different Amigo scooters in my life-time.  All of which have served me well.  My scooters and I have traveled all around the United States and once out of the country.  We have been to, just to name a few, New York, Las Angeles, Las Vegas, and as far as Jamaica.   I will discuss many of these places in my blog, which brings me to my first point.

Why am I writing this blog?  I like to think of life as a journey.  As a child, my parents were somewhat over protective.  After all, how can a severely disabled child ever participate in normal kid activities?  I will tell you how.  By whatever means.  I used to hang over my wheelchair and run, that's how I played soccer with my classmates in school during recess.  The boys and girls never hesitated to hit me with a big red ball when we played dodge ball in gym class.  I was a fast crawler when I was on my knees.  I could scoot around like the Road Runner being chased by coyote.  Now at the age of 50, I am not as fast on my knees, but I can still get around fine.  So why am I writing this blog?  Here is your answer.  I am hoping to one day write a traveling book for travelers with disabilities.  I would like other persons with disabilities to know that they can travel with the right planning.  Note, I have traveled with and without caregivers.  I am hoping that my blog will inspire persons with disabilities not to be afraid to take a vacation.  My second reason is money.  I would like to somehow figure out a way to make money through writing and traveling.  To be perfectly honest, traveling is a chore, but it can be fun and exciting if you take the necessary precautions.  I hope through my writing and traveling I can help others plan for a better vacation.

Now, lets get through some definitions and in my next blog, I will write about my most recent trip to the glorious City of Austin, Texas.  The capital of the Lone Star State.


Tourists - Anyone traveling to another state or country for a short duration.

Resident - Anyone living in a certain area for 6 months or more.

Scooter -  A three or four wheelchair designed to aid someone with mobility (walking) difficulties.

Cerebral Palsy - A condition acquired around the time of birth that may affect muscle coordination, speech, bladder control and some cognitive functions.

Disability - Anyone with a physical, mental, and/or emotional impairment.

Places I have traveled:

New York
Las Angeles
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Las Vegas
San Antonio
West Virginia

Cruise Ship to Cozumel, Gran Caymen Island, and Jamaica

I hope people with and without disabilities read and enjoy my new blog.  Do not hesitate to make a contribution or leave a comment.

Safe Travels!